I'm taking some time to write about you, my second-born girl, today.

The one who takes the heaviness out of everything and makes me feel light again.
You captivate people. Anyone, everyone. From your place beside your sister in your double stroller, you smile and you have the whole world before you stop in the middle of their frantic dashes and smile and forget why they were in such a rush.
You met your granddad today. You were playing peekaboo with him from the other side of the room and, all one could see from his perspective was your eyes. He remarked that he didn't need to see the rest of your beautiful face to know you were smiling. You smile with your jewel-blue eyes in the most glorious way, baby.

You have this way of melting your body into every curve and nook of mine when I pick you up these days. You nestle your head onto my chest or neck and you start to hum the 'cuddle song'. That "awwwwww" and "ahhhhh" that seems to be the universal language of hugs, cuddles, snuggles. That little ditty the heart sings when ones heart is pressed up against another heart it loves.
Your sister and you are different, in so many fabulous ways. I'm a different mother to you than I am to your 'best friend sister' (as Maya likes to refer to you). Not better, not lesser...just different. Both of you pull different aspects of me out. In that way, you both are and continue to be my greatest teachers.
Thank you for lighting up the darkest corners of my life, thank you for breaking my heart into a thousand beautiful pieces so magnificently every single time you smile. Thank you for choosing me to be your mama, my magical baby.
Know that I will try so very hard to be the mama you need and want me to be in this lifetime.

As your sister says: ILoveYouVerySOMuch! xoxoxox
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